Thursday, September 24, 2009

PDA (We Just Don't Care)

School season is under way :) Our first tournament... sucked so bad I don't even want to talk about it. We lost every single game. But on the bright side, we won our first league game against New West yesterday! Although that's not much to be proud of, those girls hardly play volleyball. On Wednesday we'll be playing a home game against Moscrop (come out and watch) and in 8 days we will be going to Nanaimo for a tourney =D =D =D

Besides volleyball, I haven't exactly been doing much. Except homework. I have so much to do every single day =[ Tomorrow though, me and Corinne are going shopping downtown and we gotta make a T-shirt design for our team. Pretty excited for that, I feel like I haven't gone out in forever.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Hold On

So, today was the first day of school. It wasn't too bad, I guess you would get used to it after 4 years in a row. Really need to go see the counsellor though... I'm not enrolled in Math and I have 2 English classes. I'm pretty happy with the rest of my classes though, it'll be pretty cool to be with friends =] ...even though I'm going to have to bust my ass this term to keep good grades.

In a lot of ways I'm pretty depressed that school is starting again. I feel like I haven't had enough time to enjoy summer [summer school wasted 4 weeks... Playland wasted 2, and I don't even know what I did with the rest of my time] and now I'm going to be smothered by homework and projects and tests. But, on a more positive note, we're graduating this year and hopefully it'll be fun!